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Thursday March 3
6:00 PM
In the days when the City College of New York was all male and Hunter College was all female, Jewish women, mostly the daughters of immigrants from Russia and Poland, knew that a Hunter education was the springboard to a teaching career. Other Hunter Jewish subway scholars took different paths. At least one would win a Nobel Prize. Another tried to open the gate barring women from the rabbinate. Still another, an acclaimed travel writer, returned to her alma mater to join the faculty. Join American University Professor Pamela Nadell, author of the award-winning America's Jewish Women: A History from Colonial Times to Today, and Hunter College Professor and Director of Hebrew and Jewish Studies and award-winning author, Leah Garrett, to launch Women's History Month 2022 with a conversation about the remarkable Jewish alumnae of Hunter College.
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Thursday March 3
6:00 PM
In the days when the City College of New York was all male and Hunter College was all female, Jewish women, mostly the daughters of immigrants from Russia and Poland, knew that a Hunter education was the springboard to a teaching career. Other Hunter Jewish subway scholars took different paths. At least one would win a Nobel Prize. Another tried to open the gate barring women from the rabbinate. Still another, an acclaimed travel writer, returned to her alma mater to join the faculty. Join American University Professor Pamela Nadell, author of the award-winning America's Jewish Women: A History from Colonial Times to Today, and Hunter College Professor and Director of Hebrew and Jewish Studies and award-winning author, Leah Garrett, to launch Women's History Month 2022 with a conversation about the remarkable Jewish alumnae of Hunter College.
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