Roosevelt House Online Giving


Welcome to the online donation page for Roosevelt House at the Hunter College Foundation.  You can use your MasterCard, Visa or American Express to make your annual contribution through our secure server. 

Please enter your name as it appears on your credit card and be sure to enter your correct billing address.  A minimum of $5 is required for all donations.  Your donation will appear on your credit card statement as a payment to "The Hunter College Foundation."

To make a donation by phone, please call Peter Sclafani at (212) 396-7963.

To make a donation larger than $2,500.00 please contact Harold Holzer at (212) 396-6535.

To make a donation by mail, please send a check made out to Hunter College Foundation, with a memo to "Roosevelt House", to the following address:

The Roosevelt House, c/o Hunter College Foundation, 695 Park Avenue, Room E1313A, New York, NY 10065

Questions?  Email Peter Sclafani at or call (212) 396-7963.


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Matching Gifts
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