Due to ongoing concerns about COVID-19 we are postponing March 16th event - Leandra Ruth Zarnow Book Discussion, Battling Bella: The Protest Politics of Bella Abzug. 


We will apprise you as soon as we have a new date.  


We look forward to seeing you at Roosevelt House soon.    




Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College
47-49 East 65th Street (between Park and Madison Avenues)
New York City


  1. Attendance Selection
Monday March 16
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Book Discussion
Sold Out
This event is fully subscribed. If you wish to be placed on the waiting list, please email rhrsvp@hunter.cuny.edu and indicate which event you wish to attend, and if you are a current Hunter College student.

Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College
47-49 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065
tel: 212.650.3174 | email: rhrsvp@hunter.cuny.edu